Elliot’s References

See what our athletes have to say about our coaching!

From Brian M.

“I started doing triathlons in 2013 when I completed my first sprint tri. The following year I signed up with a coach and worked up to what I thought was a long distance with an Olympic tri. I progressed to a 70.3 in 2015 and my coach at the time moved on to nutrition coaching in the middle of that season. I was introduced to Elliot a month or two prior to doing my second 70.3 that year and I have been with him ever since. Elliot has seen me through race prep, with various injuries and still managed to get me to race day so that I could perform the best I could. He helped me complete my first Ironman in 2016 and worked with me to improve my weaknesses to enable me to move up from the middle of the pack.

In 2017, I was involved in a horrible bike crash that put a halt to my training for 6 weeks. I had a C1 fracture and was in a neck brace. Elliot worked with me on a training plan to get me back in shape for a 70.3 three months after the crash and a full Ironman 3 months after that. I PR’d the run for the 70.3 distance and PR’d the swim, bike and total time for the full Ironman. Not only were the workouts tailored to my needs at any given time, the prepping for individual races has helped me race my best. I can’t recommend Elliot enough regardless of what stage you are in your triathlon experience.”

From Brandon G.

“I am a 40 – 44 male age group athlete. I have been racing triathlon for the past three years. After several interviews and much research about coaching and coaches, I am just completing my second year with Peak Tri Coaching, and more specifically Elliot Kawaoka. I can’t say enough good things about the results I’ve been able to achieve and the relationship we’ve developed over the past 2 seasons. Elliot’s coaching has led to PR’s in every race at every distance in every discipline with absolute consistency. To be clear, I don’t mean that I have PR’d each distance in each year, I mean every single race regardless of the distance results in a personal best. This includes 2 podium’s in my last three races. We have reached levels of performance that I didn’t think I was capable of. Elliot has always made himself available by phone, text or email regardless of how big or small the question. We evaluate every race and season for the next set of goals to which he develops and recommends a plan that ensures success. Most important is that he listens to what I have to say and does an amazing job of adjusting around my personal needs. I give Elliot a lot of credit as he has brought me from age group finisher to competitor.
Thanks Elliot!!!”

Email me: mail@example.com

Jeffrey G.

“Last year I committed to changing my physical and mental programming long term. Objectively, I had the best 12-month start I could. One year is merely a beginning. But, I couldn’t have done it without Elliot. I think of that often. I know he really can’t appreciate coming off an injury for five years, gaining weight, deteriorating, etc. (hope he never does). But, Elliot’s influence mitigated all the variables involved over the year. That’s pretty powerful. Most people don’t even realize how others impact them. Those that due rarely express appreciation. Elliot impacts a lot of people. I greatly appreciate everything and look forward to the future. Last year at this time, I seriously questioned – even with a year of training, whether I could complete 140.6. My world and those around me is significantly enhanced. That’s a pretty huge impact, man!!!”

Haylee F.

“Before I started training with Elliot, I found myself getting overwhelmed creating my own training plan and was constantly injured. I was nervous having a male coach me, but 1.5 years later, I would not have anyone else! Having him as a coach has allowed me more time to focus on training and am less stressed. Even when life happens, he adjusts my running schedule to match with my life schedule. I am also proud to say that I have been injury-free since I started training with him. My workouts are never the same and the workouts challenging but manageable. Not only has Elliot been a great coach, but he’s been one of my biggest supporters and motivators. He is always there when I need the extra boost. I would highly recommend Elliot as a coach!”

Bruce L.

“Before I started training with Elliot, I found myself getting overwhelmed creating my own training plan and was constantly injured. I was nervous having a male coach me, but 1.5 years later, I would not have anyone else! Having him as a coach has allowed me more time to focus on training and am less stressed. Even when life happens, he adjusts my running schedule to match with my life schedule. I am also proud to say that I have been injury-free since I started training with him. My workouts are never the same and the workouts challenging but Elliot is a great coach. I met him via Facebook and he’s been a great inspiration to me in the sport of triathlon, especially the full Ironman distance. Last summer, I reached out to him and he’s been coaching me ever since. It’s been a great racing year despite a crazy life and demanding work schedule. I have learned a lot, trained a lot more consistent, and PRed at my races, it’s been a fun journey! The customization of training plan, phone calls before races on race strategy, and the motivation are the best! I’d highly recommend Elliot as a coach.”

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